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Arrange the vertices of a 3D convex polygonal plane in counter clockwise direction in MATLAB

I have a convex polygon in 3D. For simplicity, let it be a square with vertices, (0,0,0),(1,1,0),(1,1,1),(0,0,1).. I need to arrange these vertices in counter clockwise order. I found a solution here. It is suggested to determine the angle at the center of the polygon and sort them. I am not clear how is that going to work. Does anyone have a solution? I need a solution which is robust and even works when the vertices get very close.

A sample MATLAB code would be much appreciated!


  • Below are the steps I followed.

    1. The 3D planar polygon can be rotated to 2D plane using the known formulas. Use the one under the section Rotation matrix from axis and angle.

    2. Then as indicated by @Glenn, an internal points needs to be calculated to find the angles. I take that internal point as the mean of the vertex locations.

    3. Using the x-axis as the reference axis, the angle, on a 0 to 2pi scale, for each vertex can be calculated using atan2 function as explained here.

      The non-negative angle measured counterclockwise from vector a to vector b, in the range [0,2pi], if a = [x1,y1] and b = [x2,y2], is given by:

      angle = mod(atan2(y2-y1,x2-x1),2*pi);

    4. Finally, sort the angles, [~,XI] = sort(angle);.