I have a table like: idx (PK) clmn_1
Both are INTs. idx
is not
defined as auto-increment, but I am trying to simulate it. To
insert into this table, I am using:
"INSERT INTO my_tbl (idx, clmn_1) \
SELECT IFNULL(MAX(idx), 0) + 1, %s \
FROM my_tbl", val_clmn_1
Now, this works. The query that I have is about atomicity. Since I read and then insert to the same table, when multiple inserts happen simultaneous can there potentially be a duplicate-key error?
And, how can I test it myself?
I am using Percona XtraDB server 5.5.
This is not a good solution, because it creates a shared lock on my_tbl while it's doing the SELECT. Any number of threads can have a shared lock concurrently, but it blocks concurrent write locks. So this causes inserts to become serialized, waiting for the SELECT to finish.
You can observe this lock. Start this query in one session:
INSERT INTO my_tbl (idx, clmn_1)
SELECT IFNULL(MAX(idx), 0) + 1, 1234+SLEEP(60)
FROM my_tbl;
Then go to another session and run innotop and view the locking screen (press key 'L'). You'll see output like this:
___________________________________ InnoDB Locks ___________________________________
ID Type Waiting Wait Active Mode DB Table Index Ins Intent Special
61 TABLE 0 00:00 00:00 IS test my_tbl 0
61 RECORD 0 00:00 00:00 S test my_tbl PRIMARY 0
This is why the auto-increment mechanism works the way it does. Regardless of transaction isolation, the insert thread locks the table briefly only to increment the auto-inc number. This is extremely quick. Then the lock is released, allowing other threads to proceed immediately. Meanwhile, the first thread attempts to finish its insert.
See http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.5/en/innodb-auto-increment-handling.html for more details about auto-increment locking.
I'm not sure why you want to simulate auto-increment behavior instead of just defining the column as an auto-increment column. You can change an existing table to be auto-incrementing.
Re your comment:
Even if a PK is declared as auto-increment, you can still specify a value. The auto-incrementation only kicks in if you don't specify the PK column in the INSERT, or you specify NULL
as its value.
INSERT INTO foo (id, c) VALUES (123, 'x'); -- inserts value 123
INSERT INTO foo (id, c) VALUES (DEFAULT, 'y'); -- inserts value 124
INSERT INTO foo (id, c) VALUES (42, 'n'); -- inserts specified value 42
INSERT INTO foo (c) VALUES ('Z'); -- inserts value 125
REPLACE INTO foo (id, c) VALUES (125, 'z'); -- changes existing row with id=125
Re your comment:
INSERT INTO my_tbl (idx, clmn_1) VALUES (new_idx_val, some_val);
This is actually worse than your first idea, because now the SELECT...FOR UPDATE
creates an X lock instead of an S lock.
You should really not try to re-invent the behavior of AUTO-INCREMENT, because any SQL solution is limited by ACID properties. Auto-inc necessarily works outside of ACID.
If you need to correct existing rows atomically, use either REPLACE or INSERT...ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE.