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Making div animate and appear rotating clockwise.i.e radialwipe clock effect for Div

I have been googling for a appear effect of div like here.
Here image is drawn using < canvas >
"radialwipe clock effect "
How can I achieve this.
I found this javascript library. But it provides this effect for image only.
I need the same effect for div.
What are the approaches to do the same.
Thanks in advance.


  • I created an 1/2 clock animation effect which is similar to the one you want. I hope to find the solution to provide an exact animation.


    You need some markup for the animation:

    <div class="wrapper">
      <div class="content">
        This is a good day. Maybe.
      <div class="rotate"></div>
      <div class="mask"></div>
    • wrapper - is used to set the position of the content
    • content - your content in a div (or any other element)
    • rotate - animation to simulate the 1/2 clock
    • mask - animation to hide the content

    And this is the CSS (written in SCSS):


    $width: 200px;
    $height: 200px;
    $duration: 2s;
    $delay: 1s;
    $color-alpha: #308991;
    $color-beta: #80c144;
    $color-gamma: #b83d54;
    .wrapper {
      width: $width;
      height: $height;
      margin:0 auto;
    .content {
      width: $width;
      height: $height;
      background: $color-beta;
      border-radius: 50%;
      padding: 2em;
      overflow: hidden;
    /* Rotates 360 deg */
    .rotate {
      position: absolute; 
      z-index: 2;
      top: 0;
      right: 0;
      width: $width / 2;
      height: $height;
      box-shadow:0 0 0 .15em $color-alpha;
      background: $color-alpha;
      transform-origin: 0 50%;
      animation: rotate $duration linear 1 forwards;
      animation-delay: 1s;
    @keyframes rotate {
      0%   { 
        transform: rotate(0deg);
      62% {
      99.99% {
        z-index: 2;
      100% { 
        transform: rotate(360deg);
        opacity: 0;
        z-index: -1;
    /* The .content is hidden by .mask until the .rotate reveals it */
    .mask {
      top: -1px;
      left: -1px;
      width: $width + 2px;
      height: $height + 2px;
        linear-gradient(top, transparent 50%, $color-alpha 50%),
        linear-gradient(top, $color-alpha 50%, transparent 50%);
        linear-gradient(to top, transparent 50%, $color-alpha 50%),
        linear-gradient(to top, $color-alpha 50%, transparent 50%);
      background-position:100% 100%, 0 0;
      background-size: 50% 200%;
      background-repeat: no-repeat;
      border-radius: 50%;
      box-shadow:0 0 0 .65em $color-alpha;
      animation: mask $duration / 1.25 linear 1 forwards; 
      animation-delay: (-$duration / 7.5) + $delay;
    @keyframes mask {
      50% {
        background-position: 100% 0, 0 0;
      99.99% {
        z-index: 1;
      100% {
        background-position: 100% 0, 0 100%;
        z-index: -1;


    You can see an live demo on CodePen: 1/2 clock animation