I believe D has the potential to add yet another cool feature to its suite of compilers, namely the power to disallow non-side-effect calls to pure functions.
For example
auto s = "a";
should error just like
a == "";
currently errors in DMD as
Error: == has no effect in expression (s == "")
Such as feature would prevent the programmer from accidentally calling non-muting algorithms when he expects it to have in-place (mutating) semantics. This without having to explicitly tag functions with attributes such as GCC's __attribute((warn_unused_result))
alongside __attribute((const))
Is such a feature on the todo list for DMD?
There is no official TODO-list for DMD. Its development is mostly based on volunteers work and while some enhancement requests get "preapproved" tag in bugzilla, it does not tell anything about terms when this feature can be implemented or will it be implemented at all.
Given there are a lot of much more serious issues to address right now, I hardly can expect something that minor implemented in nearby years.
Also your question actually looks like proposal and is better suited to official DMD/Phobos bugzilla: http://d.puremagic.com/issues/