Here is my app status:
Purpose - download multiple list files from internet Approach - created a simple "download form". After a while, I just needed more forms because I had more than one list of files to download. Just solved that by adding a MDIform to my project, add a button to create another "download form" instance and voilà. Apparently, my problem was solved. But no :(
When I press my "download" button in my form-instance3, the other form instances (2 and 1) hangs on downloading the contents (I get a timeout sometimes) until the form-instance3 terminates all the downloads and so on, for all the other forms. So, even though I know my app is not multi-threaded, the multiple instances of the same form are in conflict (Inet component, presumably) and I can't download multiple files at the same time. Inet and my download function are defined in the form.
What can I do to solve this? how can I download multiple files at the same time?
I'm trying to use the "wqw" suggestion, but I'm facing some problems: In the download_form, I have a MSHFlexgrid, with 2 columns: one with the URL and the other with the file destiny. I was iterating throw all rows to download the files and save them. With the approach suggested by "wqw", how can I distinguish each download so that I can save it with the properly name indicated in the grid?
What do you use for the actual http download? I would try Simple Asynchronous Downloads and forget about the MDIForm. Really!