How to use large numbers in? like 3441881739,30000000 etc
mov eax,3441881739
In this case eax value is a negative number. How to fix it? split it? how?
I need to do also add/sub/mul/div etc the cmp
Can someone explain and give an example how to do it?
I marked fasm
and nasm
tags but anothers assembly are welcome too.
I'm on 32-bit machine.
If you want to deal with numbers larger than 232-1, you'll need to do multiple-precision arithmetic. For example, to add a pair of 64-bit numbers you could do something like this:
mov eax, A_1 ; essentially C = A + B
mov edx, B_1
add eax, edx ; note that for the low word, we just add
mov C_1, eax
mov eax, A_2
mov edx, B_2
adc eax, edx ; but for the high word, we add with carry
mov C_2, eax
Having access to the carry bit means that this is considerably simpler than with most higher level languages. There's also a subtract with borrow to make multi-word subtraction easy as well. Multiplication and division depend a little. A normal 32x32 bit multiplication produces a 64-bit result (low word in eax, high word in edx). If you want something like 64x64 bit multiplication (giving a 128-bit result) you'll need to implement that yourself.
For example, multiplication (without using the built-in mul/imul instructions) can be done something like this:
mult proc
; multiplies eax by ebx and places result in edx:ecx
xor ecx, ecx
xor edx, edx
test ebx, 1
jz mul2
add ecx, eax
adc edx, 0
shr ebx, 1
shl eax, 1
test ebx, ebx
jnz mul1
mult endp