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Can't add Mysql.Data as reference after installing Visual Studio 2012

I have VS 2010 Professional installed in my machine. I tried to download VS 2012 Express to check this out. I explore this and tried to create a sample website. But when I tried to add Mysql.Data, I cannot add it. When I tried to add reference in Assembly>Extension, Mysql.Data is there I add it, but I figured out that it didn't add in the reference and I cannot use this.

Here's some solution that I've tried:

  1. Delete packages at C:\Users\Name\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\VisualStudio
  2. Tried to uninstall and reinstall library

Can you help me to fix this one? THanks alot!


  • This is for the people who will have the same experience as me.

    You can see the comment of 'JW'. That's the correct answer.

    Install extension via nuget:

    1. In WEBSITE/PROJECT tab look for 'Manage NuGet Packages'.

    2. Search and Install
