In my app I have UITableViewController
that shows event list. This controller uses ManagedObjectContext Say ParentContext
. Now if any Event is selected, then a detailed View Controller is shown where users can edit the details of Event. So i have created a child context say,
ChildContext with type "NSPrivateQueueConcurrencyType"
ChildContext whose parent Context is "ParentContext".
My code is:
NSManagedObjectContext *childContext = [[NSManagedObjectContext alloc] initWithConcurrencyType:NSPrivateQueueConcurrencyType];
childContext.parentContext = self.context ;
Now again there are some fields and relationships which needs another drill down. So i have created another ChildContext for the new view controller say,
GrandChildContext with type "NSPrivateQueueConcurrencyType"
GrandChildContext whose parent context is "ChildContext"
this process goes for another level ( Total 4 level from parent (tableView ) to child )
self.context - Parent Context
My Entity Looks like this
EntityA -- ( Edit View Controller - uses ChildContext )
|- Field1
|- Field2
|- RelationShip (1 to Many ) - ( Relationship Add / Edit View Controller - uses GrandChildContext )
|- Field1
| .
| .
|- Field3
|- Relationship ( 1 to Many ) - ( Relationship Add / Edit View Controller - uses GrandGrandChildContext )
|- Field1
|- Field2
Is this the right way of using Parent - Child context? Because at one point of time i will be having like 1 NSMainQueueConcurrencyType MOC and 3 NSPrivateQueueConcurrencyType MOC
If it is not? is there any other way?
Does too many child context affects apps's performance?
Initially i used Properties and NSArrays to manage user entered data and when user hits done button, i will update / create managed objects. But this is a tedious job it made my view controller dirty. So i switched to Parent-Child context which is very easy to save / discard updates.
You might have gone a little overboard with the multiple child contexts, but only a little, and your general approach is sound. A MOC (managed object context) is a fairly lightweight object.
I like your approach of having a distinct reference, within each view controller/scene, to the MOC that applies to that scene.
It is sometimes helpful to think about a MOC as a session or scratchpad. The matchup is not between MOCs and Entities, but rather between MOCs and logical units of work.
If one of your drill downs marks the beginning of some editing task that the user might want to abandon/cancel, that's a good moment to spin off a child MOC and pass it down to the new view. You can, if needed, rollback: or even just abandon the MOC, as you unwind back to the starting point.
On the other hand, if you were writing simply a viewer for static information, use just one MOC. In that case there is no need to or benefit from using more.