On an iPhone 3GS, the image captured by the camera has 2048x1536 pixels. If my math is correct, opening this image on a CGLayer will consume 12.5 MB.
Springboard will terminate any application that reaches beyond 12 mb (at least this is what happens to me).
Manipulating this image with a function like CGContextDrawLayer will consume another 12 mb, at least.
This is 24 MB.
How can one manipulate such images on iPhone without having the program terminated?
Is there any way to reduce the footprint of the image taken by the camera without reducing its dimensions?
any clues? thanks.
You should consider using NSInputStream in order to process your image in chunks of whatever size makes sense. For example, you might read 1 MB of data, process it, write results out to an NSOutputStream, and then repeat 11 more times until EOF.
More likely than not, your image processing algorithm will determine the optimal chunk size.