I'm making a eggdrop tcl script to write activity of several public IRC channels to a database (over time this will be 10 to 15 channels I think). I have two options how to handle the database connection in mind.
I think it's better to use case 1, but when there is much channel activity I think opening and closing a connection every time will cause a massive server load and slows things down drastically after a while.
What's the best way to do this?
If you want to keep the connection open just call
mysql::ping $dbhandle
from time to time.
This can be done with something like this:
proc keepMySqlOpen {dbhandle} {
mysql::ping $dbhandle
after 2000 [list keepMySqlOpen $dbhandle]
set dbh [mysql::open ...]
keepMySqlOpen $dbh
An other option is just to use mysql::ping
before accessing the db, which should according to the mysqltcl manual reconnect if necessary. This might be the best of both worlds (let the connection time out if there is not much activity, keep it open otherwise).