I have three methods and two switches
I would like
Like so
./main --switchA
./main --switchA --switchB
./main --switchA --switchB Hello
My code
my $result = GetOptions{
"SwitchA" => \$opt_a,
"SwitchB:s" => \$opt_b
methodA if($opt_a);
methodB if($opt_a && $opt_b eq "");
methodC if($opt_a && $opt_b ne "")
I have tried different things but essentially, If I just want MethodB to run, Method A always runs, and if I want MethodB to run, MethodA always runs.
Haven't got round to testing MethodC yet.
methodA if $opt_a && !defined($opt_b);
methodB if $opt_a && defined($opt_b) && $opt_b eq "";
methodC if $opt_a && defined($opt_b) && $opt_b ne "";
if ($opt_a) {
if (defined($opt_b)) {
if ($opt_b eq "") {
} else {
} else {