I have created a very simple service that just echos some text to the console. The service is just a POJO with a method echo, having a single parameter:
public class EchoTest
public void echo(String myMessage)
Ths is from the services.xml:
<service name="EchoTest">
<description>Echo test</description>
<parameter name="ServiceClass">EchoTest</parameter>
<operation name="echo">
<messageReceiver class="org.apache.axis2.rpc.receivers.RPCMessageReceiver" />
Further I use a very simple HTML form to submit the data to the service:
<form method="post" target="responseFrame" action="../../services/EchoTest/echo">
<input name="myMessage" type="text">
<input value="Send" type="submit"/>
<iframe width=500 height=500 name="responseFrame"></iframe>
The problem I have is that spaces are replaced with '+'. For example, if I type a message like this:
Hey you & you - # % @
The result is this:
Do I have to encode it somehow or or should it not behave like this? Or perhaps it is a setup issue? I am using Tomcat as a web container. For information, I use a servlet filter in Tomcat to e.g. filter on IP addresses, and in there I can see that the myMessage parameter looks OK, not having + signs.
It turns out that the problem was in fact within Axis2 itself. I am not sure exactly, but the version that I was using was release 1.5.1 from October 2009. What bugs me is that I have not found any bug report on it. It could be that it was fixed quickly and that I was unfortunate.
Upgrading to a the latest version of Axis2 solved the problem.