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Weblogic and BOM

We have web application with static content - html files, js files, images, etc.
There are byte order mark at the beginning of all html files.
These files were genereted by some tool. So I cannot modify them.
We deploy this application on Weblogic.
When I try to access this web application via direct link to Weblogic, then I have a lot of javascript errors.
But in case when I try to access this page via Apache proxy - then all is ok.
But Apache forwards all request direct to Weblogic.

And I do not have such errors in case if application was deployed on JBoss.
In this case I can access application both via direct link to JBoss and via proxy.

Anybody have some assumptions - why I cannot access application via direct link to Weblogic?

Add following mime mapping to web.xml:




  • Add following mime mapping to web.xml:
