I have followed the tutorial on http://www.mit.edu/people/abbe/matlab/ode.html and prepared a function as follows:
function dxy = diffxy(xy)
%split xy into variables in our equations
x = xy(1);
xdot = xy(2);
y = xy(3);
% define the derivatives of these variables from equations
xdot = xdot;
ydot = 3*x + 2*y + 5;
xdoubledot = 3 - ydot + 2*xdot;
%return the derivatives in dxy in the right order
dxy = [xdot; xdoubledot; ydot]
When I call it using
[T, XY] = ode45('diffxy',0,10,[0 1 0])
I get an error
??? Error using ==> diffxy
Too many input arguments.
I also tried
XY= ode45(@diffxy,[0 10],[0;1;0])
Anybody have any idea?
haven't read the whole tutorial but aren't you supposed to define your function as
function dxy = diffxy(t, xy)
where t
is time vector