I have a problem that really drives me crazy.
A few months ago i started developing an iphone application , and i needed to have a multiline textField so that the user could write some comments. In the end , because at the time i couldnt find a solution , i found a solution how to use a Text View instead which is by default multiline. In my project it seems that i have connected this Text View with a UITextField outlet.
Now i am trying to make my app universal , so i created a new .xib file for the iPad version.
However it seems impossible to connect the Text View that i created with the UITextField Outlet that i was using with the iphone .xib.
I m really breaking my head here to remember how on earth i connected these two in the first place. I remember that i implemented some delegate methods to customize the Text View to work as a Text Field , and it seems that all the properties of my iPad Text View are the same with the ones of the iPhone version. However i cant connect it with the outlet.
Does anyone have any idea , what i am missing here?
It appears that after all is possible..
I tried the unthinkable and it worked..
I created a new outlet from my text View , a UITextView outlet and then... well i just renamed the UITextView to UITextField and works perfectly.. I connected both textViews (iPhone.xib and iPad.xib) in this outlet and it works.. (I connected them before renaming it to a UITextField outlet cause after that you cant connect them)