The nls
function works normally like the following:
x <- 1:10
y <- 2*x + 3 # perfect fit
yeps <- y + rnorm(length(y), sd = 0.01) # added noise
nls(yeps ~ a + b*x, start = list(a = 0.12345, b = 0.54321))#
Because the model I use have a lot of parameters or I don't know beforehand what will be included in the parameter list, I want something like following
tmp <- function(x,p) { p["a"]+p["b"]*x }
p0 <- c(a = 0.12345, b = 0.54321)
nls(yeps ~ tmp(x,p), start = list(p=p0))
Does anyone know how to modify the nls
function so that it can accept a parameter vector argument in the formula instead of many seperate parameters?
You can give a vector of init coefficients like this :
tmp <- function(x, coef){
a <- coef[1]
b <- coef[2]
a +b*x
x <- 1:10
yeps <- y + rnorm(length(y), sd = 0.01) # added noise
nls(yeps ~ a + b*x, start = list(a = 0.12345, b = 0.54321))#
nls(yeps ~ tmp(x,coef), start = list(coef = c(0.12345, 0.54321)))
Nonlinear regression model
model: yeps ~ tmp(x, coef)
data: parent.frame()
coef1 coef2
3 2
residual sum-of-squares: 0.0016
Number of iterations to convergence: 2
Achieved convergence tolerance: 3.47e-08
Should be a good start to understand how to play with nls.