Following this clisp basic website tutorial it asks me to define a package to persist the code:
(defpackage :retro-games
(:use :cl :cl-who :hunchentoot :parenscript))
However, I cannot work out where my code is being persisted. Where are the files?
NB: I have only one day's experience with lisp!
Where are the files? They are where you want them.
Lisp can LOAD
files and you can use COMPILE-FILE
In Common Lisp there no connections between files, the location of a file and a package. The package definition just defines a namespace to symbols. But this is not necessarily connected to a file. Some tools help maintain something called a system, which is a collection of files, which can be compiled and loaded together.
To get a basic understanding how to use Common Lisp I recommend reading Practical Common Lisp by Peter Seibel.