I'm a newb to rspec, mocking and stubbing. I'm slowly starting to appreciate and wrap my head around the concepts of isolated testing and mocking/stubbing in general. I have a basic question, which i think is easier explained through code:
class NewsItem < ActiveRecord::Base
scope :ordered, order("created_at DESC")
In my model tests now, I wish to test the behavior that returns an ordered list of news_items. Using FactoryGirl DB-touching testing, I achieve this as follows:
# TODO use mocking and stubbing here
it "should have an ordered method to retrieve news items in the descending order" do
news_item_x = create(:news_item, created_at: DateTime.new(2012,01,01))
news_item_y= create(:news_item, created_at: DateTime.new(2011,01,01))
news_item_z= create(:news_item, created_at: DateTime.new(2012,03,01))
# .all added to avoid comparison failure between groups of NewsItem objects an ActiveRel group.
expect(NewsItem.ordered.all).to eql([news_item_z, news_item_x, news_item_y])
I'm at a loss to understand how one would convert the above tests to mocking and stubbing. Here's a first attempt, but clearly i'm misunderstanding some core concept here.
xit "should have an ordered method to retrieve news items in the descending order" do
news_item_x = mock(NewsItem, created_at: DateTime.new(2012,01,01))
news_item_y = mock(NewsItem, created_at: DateTime.new(2011,01,01))
news_item_z = mock(NewsItem, created_at: DateTime.new(2012,03,01))
NewsItem.should_receive(:ordered).and_return([news_item_z, news_item_x, news_item_y])
# NewsItem.should_receive(:ordered).ordered # not working.
# this is pointless as it's not checking the order of anything, just the call.
Is mocking/stubbing even appropriate in this kind of a test?
Any advice would be much appreciated.
I got some great answers from both @arieljuod and @zetetic. To my original question, is mocking and stubbing appropriate here? The answer seems to be No as @zetetic has pointed out.
On the other hand @arieljuod gave a really nice way of actually testing my code snippet (not necessarily through mocking and stubbing). Both of these are valid answers.
Is mocking/stubbing even appropriate in this kind of a test?
The point of using mocks and stubs is to isolate code that you write from its dependencies. In the case of scope
, everything it depends on is buried in the Rails framework. Also, you shouldn't need to test the internals of framework/library code in the first place -- the original authors have already done that.