Well, I was supposed to do the following:
Using the class Node (classic construction)...
class No:
def __init__(self, valor, prox):
self.valor = valor
self.prox = prox
to make a function that when called will swap the 2nd and 3rd characters of a chained list and add a backward chained list to the end of the original one. So if we do function(list), being lista = No(1, No(4, No(2, None))) (1>4>2) it will return (1>2>4>4>2>1).
The problem with that is that I solved the problem by adding the terms to regular lists and messing with them there. However, then I found out I was supposed to only use chained lists (that node class I put above) and now I'm a bit clueless...
Code for the wrong solution:
class No:
def __init__(self, valor, prox):
self.valor = valor
self.prox = prox
def printLista(lista):
global lista1
lista1 = []
while lista:
lista = lista.prox
return lista1
def printbackwards(lista):
global lista2
if lista == None: return
def swapprint(lista):
global lista1, lista2
i = 0
lista2 = []
for i in range(len(lista1)):
print lista1[i], lista2[i],
lista = No(3, No(1, No(4, No(2, None))))
class No:
def __init__(self,a,b):
self.val = a
self.next = b
def __str__(self):
return "%s->%s"%(self.val,self.next)
def swapandReverse(lista):
n2 = lista.next #2nd element
n2.val,n2.next.val = n2.next.val,n2.val #swap 2,3
n = lista #root node
v = [] #hold our values
while n.next:
v.append(n.val) #add our value to list
n = n.next #move to next node
v.append(n.val) #append value of last node in the list
while len(v): #as long as we have values left in list
n.next = No(v.pop(-1),None) #set next to new node with our val
n = n.next
lista = No(3,No(1,No(4,No(2,None))))
print lista
print lista
at least something like that