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Using GNU Parallel With Split

I'm loading a pretty gigantic file to a postgresql database. To do this I first use split in the file to get smaller files (30Gb each) and then I load each smaller file to the database using GNU Parallel and psql copy.

The problem is that it takes about 7 hours to split the file, and then it starts to load a file per core. What I need is a way to tell split to print the file name to std output each time it finishes writing a file so I can pipe it to Parallel and it starts loading the files at the time split finish writing it. Something like this:

split -l 50000000 2011.psv carga/2011_ | parallel ./ {}

I have read the split man pages and I can't find anything. Is there a way to do this with split or any other tool?


  • You could let parallel do the splitting:

    <2011.psv parallel --pipe -N 50000000 ./

    Note, that the manpage recommends using --block over -N, this will still split the input at record separators, \n by default, e.g.:

    <2011.psv parallel --pipe --block 250M ./

    Testing --pipe and -N

    Here's a test that splits a sequence of 100 numbers into 5 files:

    seq 100 | parallel --pipe -N23 'cat > /tmp/parallel_test_{#}'

    Check result:

    wc -l /tmp/parallel_test_[1-5]


     23 /tmp/parallel_test_1
     23 /tmp/parallel_test_2
     23 /tmp/parallel_test_3
     23 /tmp/parallel_test_4
      8 /tmp/parallel_test_5
    100 total