I wanted to serve .xhtml files as
if the browser says that it accepts it.text/html
otherwiseI tried doing it with mod_rewrite
but it didn't work with Options -FollowSymLinks
(see Why I do I get 403 Forbidden when viewing files affected by Apache RewriteRule if I have `Options -FollowSymLinks`?).
Then, I tried
<Files "*.xhtml">
<If "%{HTTP:Accept} !~ /application\/xhtml\+xml/">
ForceType text/html
But I get a syntax error: Failed to compile regular expression.
Meanwhile, I use this code...
<Files "*.xhtml">
<If "%{HTTP:Accept} !~ /xhtml\+xml/">
ForceType text/html
... which works, but I want to match the correct MIME type.
You could use an escape code like \x2F
instead of the /