so let's get to the thing. I have to estimate a project that's main goal is to migrate from FLASH interactive and complex animations into HTML5.
As far as I've read there are plenty of questions how to do it... so I've researched there is Swiffy / Wallaby / Adobe Flash Professional Toolkit for CreateJS and Online converters and here goes the BUT... but many persons said it won't handle more complex FLASH animations (only simple ones).
So the question is: Does someone have an experience with such a migration, is there a non-manual way to do it?
Thanks in advance!
Yes, there is a non-manual way to do it for most Flash animations that contain some ActionScript, as well as a limited set of more interactive applications. If ease is your first concern, try the latest release of Swiffy (5.0 when you wrote your question and as of this response). Swiffy supports a substantial feature set of ActionScript 3, more than enough for navigational controls.
I am less familiar with the Wallaby/CreateJS workflow but ActionScript support during export from Flash is extremely limited. Essentially, it enables you to export your asset library for use with CreateJS on the JavaScript side.