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Image Field Validator for Specific Width/Height

I have a dexterity type, with image field definition looks like this:

image = NamedBlobImage(
    title=_(u'Lead Image'),
    description=_(u"Upload a Image of Size 230x230."),

How can I add a validator to check the uploaded image file? For example, if an image is over 500px in width, warn the user to upload another file. Hints or sample codes are appreciated.


  • You want to set a constraint function:

    from zope.interface import Invalid
    from import MessageFactory as _
    def imageSizeConstraint(value):
        # value implements the plone.namedfile.interfaces.INamedBlobImageField interface
        width, height = value.getImageSize()
        if width > 500 or height > 500:
            raise Invalid(_(u"Your image is too large"))

    then set that function as the constraint of your NamedBlobImage field:

    image = NamedBlobImage(
        title=_(u'Lead Image'),
        description=_(u"Upload a Image of Size 230x230."),

    See the Dexterity manual on validation for more information, as well as the plone.namedfile interface definitions.