I have this:
{ return self.soundSource->_sourceId; }
[self.engine playSound:self.soundSource.soundId
{ return durationOfSourceId(self.ID); }
{ return elapsedTimeOfSourceId(self.ID); }
NSTimeInterval secondsRemaining = self.duration - self.offset;
NSLog(@"<%.3f>", self.soundSource.durationInSeconds);
NSLog(@"<%.3f> - <%.3f> = <%.3f> isPlaying <%i>", self.duration, self.offset, secondsRemaining, self.soundSource.isPlaying);
return (secondsRemaining > 0.0);
#pragma mark - OpenAL addons
static NSTimeInterval elapsedTimeOfSourceId(ALuint sourceID)
float result = 0.0;
alGetSourcef(sourceID, AL_SEC_OFFSET, &result);
return result;
static NSTimeInterval durationOfSourceId(ALuint sourceID)
//Thanks to http://stackoverflow.com/a/8822347
ALint bufferID, bufferSize, frequency, bitsPerSample, channels;
alGetSourcei(sourceID, AL_BUFFER, &bufferID);
alGetBufferi(bufferID, AL_SIZE, &bufferSize);
alGetBufferi(bufferID, AL_FREQUENCY, &frequency);
alGetBufferi(bufferID, AL_CHANNELS, &channels);
alGetBufferi(bufferID, AL_BITS, &bitsPerSample);
NSTimeInterval result = ((double)bufferSize)/(frequency*channels*(bitsPerSample/8));
return result;
Where engine is just an instance of CDSoundEngine. I really want to know when will the music stop. I'm into it for a whole day now, and I'm tired.
It logs: [1445:707] <1.656> [1445:707] <1.656> - <0.000> = <1.656> isPlaying <0>
So the OpenAL source ID is right (since I can get the duration). The CDSoundSource is also right (since I can get the duration from that as well). I can hear the sound playing.
But AL_SEC_OFFSET is always 0.0, isPlaying is always NO.
Why dont you get the state of the source and check if it is really being played?:
alGetSourcei(source, AL_SOURCE_STATE, &state);
return (state == AL_PLAYING);