I'm testing facebook integration for my rails app. I want to create a test user once using Koala's API, and then run my integration tests.
I wrote this method (in koala.rb in features/support):
def facebook_user
test_user ||= Koala::Facebook::TestUsers.new(app_id: ENV['FACEBOOK_APP_ID'], secret: ENV['FACEBOOK_SECRET'])
@facebook_user ||= test_user.create(true, 'email')
And I want it to run only once. Right now, everytime I call the facebook_user method anywhere in my tests, it runs the code again, instead of keeping the value it retrieved before.
How do I run this code once and retain the values for all of my scenarios?
Used a global variable: on any file in the support folder:
Before do
if !$dunit
$facebook_user = Koala::Facebook::TestUsers.new(app_id: ENV['FACEBOOK_APP_ID'], secret: ENV['FACEBOOK_SECRET']).create(true, 'email')
$dunit = true
and then call $facebook_user at will