I have a question
I user twitter bootstrap collapse on a page. in the page there are more collapses:
#collapseOne #collapseTwo #collapseThree ...
there are normaly all closed.
but if I visit my link like this: mydomain.com/#collapseFour I want that one collapse automatically be shown.
thank you!
I would do it in PHP just add a class of 'in' to the accordion-body.
<div id="collapseFour" class="accordion-body collapse <?=($_GET['open'] == 4) ? "in" : ""?>">
then your url would be mydomain.com/?open=4
If you wanted to do it on the hash give this a read Can I read the hash portion of the URL on my server-side application (PHP, Ruby, Python, etc.)?
And check out bootstrap documentation its pretty good!