Hi I am using MVC4 with client side validation. This works great for showing validation messages next to the fields.
I have added a validation summary:
This works, client side 'n all. I would like it to behave differently though; currently the messages in the validation summary only change when the submit button is clicked. I would like them to be dynamically, populated in a similar fashion to each field's validation message.
Can someone suggest a way to achieve this ?
Any information on what triggers the summary update would be great.
I've set up the validation summary to update in 'real time' also considering the following:
Let's extract the validator, overrride showErrors() and implement our logic:
var validator = $('form').data('validator');
validator.settings.showErrors = function (map, errors) {
if ($('div[data-valmsg-summary=true] li:visible').length) {
if (this.errorList.length)
$(this.currentForm).triggerHandler("invalid-form", [this]);
Since I'm using this solution for my entire site I've created the following init (onready):
$('form').each(function () {
var validator = $(this).data('validator');
if (validator) {
validator.settings.showErrors = function (map, errors) {
if ($('div[data-valmsg-summary=true] li:visible').length) {
if (this.errorList.length)
$(this.currentForm).triggerHandler("invalid-form", [this]);
And here's the resetSummary used above:
jQuery.fn.resetSummary = function () {
var form = this.is('form') ? this : this.closest('form');
return this;