I'm trying to select the coupled user by getting the correct linkedAccount.
The query that is created is correct but when trying to use a property
on dbuser e.g dbuser.lastName
I get a compile error since dbuser is not
of type User but Query1 size=?
It's probably something really simple but I can't figure it out since I'm
a scala and squeryl noob!
Why doesn't it return the correct value and what have I done wrong in my query? Also, saving works without any issues.
class User(
@Column("id") val id: Long,
@Column("first_name") val firstName : String,
@Column("last_name") val lastName : String,
@Column("email") val email : String,
@Column("email_validated") val emailValidated: Boolean = false,
@Column("last_login") val lastLogin: Timestamp = null,
val created: Timestamp,
val modified: Timestamp,
val active: Boolean = false
) extends KeyedEntity[Long] {
lazy val linkedAccounts: OneToMany[LinkedAccount] = AppDB.usersToLinkedAccounts.left(this)
class LinkedAccount(
@Column("id") val id: Long,
@Column("user_id") val userId: Long,
@Column("provider_user_id") val providerUserId: String,
@Column("salt") val salt: String,
@Column("provider_key") val providerKey: String) extends KeyedEntity[Long] {
lazy val user: ManyToOne[User] = AppDB.usersToLinkedAccounts.right(this)
object AppDB extends Schema {
val users = table[User]("users")
val linkedAccounts = table[LinkedAccount]("linked_account")
val usersToLinkedAccounts = oneToManyRelation(users, linkedAccounts).via((u, l) => u.id === l.userId)
def userByLinkedAccount(prodivderKey: String, providerUserId: String) = {
from(AppDB.users)(u =>
where(u.id in
from(AppDB.linkedAccounts)(la =>
where(la.userId === u.id and la.providerKey === prodivderKey and la.providerUserId === providerUserId)
select (la.userId)
select (u)
The call:
val dbuser = inTransaction {
val u2 = AppDB.userByLinkedAccount(id.providerId, id.id)
The sql generated
users10.last_login as users10_last_login,
users10.email as users10_email,
users10.modified as users10_modified,
users10.last_name as users10_last_name,
users10.first_name as users10_first_name,
users10.id as users10_id,
users10.created as users10_created,
users10.email_validated as users10_email_validated,
users10.active as users10_active
users users10
(users10.id in ((Select
linked_account13.user_id as linked_account13_user_id
linked_account linked_account13
(((linked_account13.user_id = users10.id) and (linked_account13.provider_key = 'facebook')) and (linked_account13.provider_user_id = 'XXXXXXXXXX'))
) ))
Ok figured it out. I need to make the call, in this case:
Also fixed the query after some tips from Per
def userByLinkedAccount(providerKey : String, providerUserId : String) = {
inTransaction {
from(AppDB.users, AppDB.linkedAccounts)((u,la) =>
where (u.id === la.userId and la.providerKey === providerKey and la.providerUserId === providerUserId)