I added an extra method to the String class. I want to use this method later on, but I get a no Method error.
class String
def as_file_full_path
NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSDocumentDirectory, NSUserDomainMask, true) [0].stringByAppendingPathComponent(self)
When I try the following in the REPL it works:
(main)> "image.jpg".as_full_path
=> "/Users/user/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/6.1/Applications/30D186A9-B1C7-4377-AE91-0D14BD3B4A6D/Documents/image.jpg"
But when I call a method on a my model class, it does not work anymore:
(main)> w = Word.first
=> #<Word:0x94d7df0>
(main)> w.filename
=> "2C86A58A-A92A-4A0F-B26C-0F5F583E142C.caf"
(main)> w.filename.class
=> String
(main)> w.filename.as_full_path
2013-02-28 09:17:55.935 project[74283:c07] undefined method `as_full_path' for "2C86A58A-A92A-4A0F-B26C-0F5F583E142C.caf":String (NoMethodError)
=> NoMethodError: undefined method `as_full_path' for "2C86A58A-A92A-4A0F-B26C-0F5F583E142C.caf":String
The model is implemented using NanoStore::Model.
When I clone the String returned by the model, the added method is present.
=> "/Users/user/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/6.1/Applications/30D186A9-B1C7-4377-AE91-0D14BD3B4A6D/Documents/2C86A58A-A92A-4A0F-B26C-0F5F583E142C.caf"
Problem solved! For some reason extending the String class does not always work. I think the NanoStore for some reason does not return "real" ruby strings. Solved it by replacing "String" with "NSString" so:
class NSString
def as_file_full_path
NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSDocumentDirectory, NSUserDomainMask, true) [0].stringByAppendingPathComponent(self)