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Can <aui:input> be used for double values?

I have been driving myself crazy trying to use the AUI taglib to input fields for a service builder object. I am using the Liferay MVC environment. The field downPayment is defined as a double in service.xml. Here is what I am trying in the JSP:

<aui:form action="<%=submitApplicationURL%>" inlineLabels="true">
<aui:model-context model="<%=CreditApp.class%>" bean="creditApp"></aui:model-context>

        <aui:input name="downPayment" format="${currencyFormat}" value="${creditApp.downPayment}" ></aui:input> 
        <aui:button type="submit" />

Also, does anyone know where there is more documentation for the the liferay AUI taglib? At this point I am thinking of switching to something more familiar such as portlet JSF and dropping the whole "liferay way" thing altogether. Some expert guidance would be much appreciated. Thank you!


  • Since you are familiar with JSF, you could use Primefaces which is much more mature, extendable, user-adopted, straightforward and documented.

    In my experience, AUI taglib is rather poorly documented. Your development will be a constant trial-and-error experience while you're trying to use a feature that is not explained in the 'proof-of-concept'-style tutorials, and your only hope will be finding someone else's post in a forum. Ironically, AUI, being a less straightforward Library, needs a complete Documentation a lot more than other component libraries.