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Python module for parametric CAD

I am looking for a CAD module for python. This is what i've found, correct me if I'm wrong:

  • PythonCAD:
    • file types: DWG,DXF,SVG
    • oriented: click in a window
    • last maintained: 2012-06-15
    • documented: poor and dirty
  • PythonOCC:
    • file types: STEP, IGES, STL (import/export)
    • oriented: scripts
    • last maintained: 2013-01-12
    • documented: good and clear
    • Installation is such a pain
  • FreeCAD (python wrapping)
    • file types: ?
    • oriented: click in a window and python scripting importable from python
    • last maintained: jan 2013
    • documented: very well

Well, it seems the python bindings for FreeCAD is the best but are there other things out there?


  • I found that FreeCAD is the best solution. The python bindings lets you design parts in a comprehensive way.

    myShape = Part.makeBox(2,2,2)

    From simple geometries you can use boolean operations:

    cylinder1 = Part.makeCylinder(3,10,Base.Vector(0,0,0),Base.Vector(1,0,0))
    cylinder2 = Part.makeCylinder(3,10,Base.Vector(5,0,-5),Base.Vector(0,0,1))
    common = cylinder1.common(cylinder2)

    The only downpoint is the installation with mac os, I could not compile it on snow leaopard (because too much dependencies on unsustained libraries).

    But pythonocc has the same problem and what i don't like is the minimal documentation and the synthax which is too much opencascade like and not to much pythonistic.