I have a mixed set of servers, some running Windows in English, some others running Windows in Italian.
Is there a way to read the value of a performance counter without using locale dependent strings?
I read on the Zabbix documentation that it should be possible to use a numeric format like \2\6
but it does not work for me, neither in Zabbix nor Powershell.
I'd like to monitor the CPU utilization (\Processore(_Total)\% Tempo processore
Any suggestion is welcome.
The solution is simple: the only problem is to put together all the infos.
First of all, open regedit and go to the following key:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Perflib
You will find entries named with three digits (e.g. 009, 010, ...). These three digits are a language id: 009 is English, 010 is Italian, and so on.
In each of these entries you will find a key named Counter. Open it (double click) and copy the content of your preferred language in a text editor. You will have something similar to the following:
% Processor Time
File Read Operations/sec
File Write Operations/sec
File Control Operations/sec
As you can see, there is a number below each label: that is index to use. For example, the index of % Processor Time
is 10
If you have a composite expression (e.g., \Processore(_Total)\% Tempo processore
), you have to use \238(_Total)\6
(I used the Italian labels).
In Zabbix, the expression to use for monitoring the average CPU utilization over the last 15 minutes is:
perf_counter[\238(_Total)\6, 900]
I hope to have said all: if there is something not clear, please, leave a comment.