Does anyone recall PGP prompting a user to "generate some entropy" by striking random keys?
PGP would measure the entropy as it was being collected, indicating to the user with a cool little progress bar, and internally would time the key strokes, do some processing and use this as a seed for something or other.
I want to make a quick routine (console app) that does a similar "entropy collection" step in python, but I'm at a loss regarding a number of issues :
Best in the above means :
So yeah :
def gen_user_random():
from Fourganizical import pack8
import time,sys
print 'Hey there user, start a-bashing that keyboard to make some randomness.'
keystimes = []
lasttime = None
while len(keystimes) < 20:
key = getch()
timenow = (time.time() + time.clock())
if lasttime:
timesince = timenow-lasttime
lasttime = timenow
print 'Check out this *nasty* random number you made!'
rnum = int(''.join([str(x) for x in keystimes]))
print rnum
print 'And OMG here is that *nasty* set of bytes it made!'
rbytes = pack8(rnum)
return keystimes
This creates some really nasty randomness.
pack8 just takes an integer of any length and outputs it in radix 256 as a sequence of bytes.