Is there a way to expose Razor syntax and (custom) helpers to people , but say ... not allow them to create code blocks or , to only limit them in the usage of the helpers and to not give them the power to execute pure C# code in the views ?
Any ideas and pointers to similar solutions are welcome !
update:// I would like to give the users the power to write their own HTML and access only to a list of html helpers. Mostly the default ones and the ones i create.
For example i do not want them to be able to execute code within @{ //code }
blocks and
Also no using
and @model
( not sure about this one)
only have access to @Html.*
or better yet , give them access only to specific namespaces (this just a thought tho)
update:// After some testing , i found out that RazorEngine does as close as to what i'm trying to do : run the views in isolated environment and add access to specific namespaces.
There is a project called RazorEngine, built upon Microsoft's Razor, that allows you to parse that syntax without being in the context of returning an MVC view. Here's how it's used:
string template = "Hello @Model.Name! Welcome to Razor!";
string result = Razor.Parse(template, new { Name = "World" });
You can also specify a customized template base, which should allow you to define only the Html Helpers you want to expose to your users:
string template =
<title>Hello @Model.Name</title>
Email: @Html.TextBoxFor(m => m.Email)
var model = new PageModel { Name = "World", Email = "" };
string result = Razor.Parse(template, model);