how to Play MJPEG stream in iPhone using Monotouch?
First i using webview to play. In iOS 5 it's playing but in iOS 6 and later version MJPEG not playing in webview.
i found Motion JPEG Image view in XCode.
i try to convert the Motion JPEG Image view to Monotouch c# but i can't.
Have you tried just using MPMoviePlayerViewController
? Apple doc here.
We use it for playing local video files in this app and it works great.
Use it like this, make sure it is the "ViewController" and not "Controller":
var movieController = new MPMoviePlayerController(new NSUrl(""));
movieController.MoviePlayer.ShouldAutoplay = true;
movieController.MoviePlayer.SourceType = MPMovieSourceType.Streaming;
//Show the controller modally over top another controller
PresentViewController(movieController, true, null);