I am using the Rally bulk query API to pull data from multiple tables. My issue happens when I try to use a placeholder for the Iteration's StartDate and pass it along to a following query same bulk request. i.e.
"iteration": "/Iteration?fetch=ObjectID,StartDate&query=(Name = \"Sprint 1\")",
"started": "${iteration.StartDate}",
"other_queries": "...?query=(CreatedDate > $(iteration.StartDate))"
The bulk service seems to convert this field to a formatted string. Is there a way to prevent this from happening? I am attempting to use the placeholder to limit other queries by date without making several requests.
It looks like the iteration object comes back with the date correctly, but when it is used as a placeholder it is automatically converted to a string.
"started": ["Wed Jan 16 22:00:00 MST 2013"],
"iteration": {
"Results": [
"StartDate": "2013-01-17T05:00:00.000Z",
Unfortunately no, as this functionality is currently implemented, this is expected behavior. The placeholder is converted to a formatted String server-side, so it will be necessary to formulate a similar followup request if the same data is needed in another query.