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whenever => cron job not accessing my model/database

I am using whenever gem to create a cron job. This cron job needs to run a helper method on my rails app at a regular interval. This helper method checks every instance of my model and decides to update it or not.


module AuctionsHelper

  def self.checkForExpiredAuction
    # method to update each auction that has expired
    puts "There are currently #{Auction.count} auctions."

    @auctions = Auction.all
    @auctions.each do |auction|
      if auction.end_time >
        auction.price = 1000000
        puts "just updated #{auction.product} auction"
    puts "just updated any auctions that had expired"


set :output, "log/cron_log.log"
every 1.minute do
  runner "AuctionsHelper.checkForExpiredAuction"

which creates the following cronjob:

# Begin Whenever generated tasks for: bestBay
            * * * * * /bin/bash -l -c 'cd /home/bestbay && script/rails runner -e production '\''AuctionsHelper.checkForExpiredAuction'\'' >> log/cron_log.log 2>&1'
#    End Whenever generated tasks for: bestBay

The problem I'm having is that the helper method can't access the table 'auctions'. From my cron_log.log:

Could not find table 'auctions' (ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid)

This doesn't seem to be a problem with the helper method itself. If I run from terminal:

rails runner AuctionsHelper.checkForExpiredAuction

I get a nice set of outputs from my puts messages. So why can't my cronjob access my model/table?


  • The basic problem was that cron wasn't spooling up the same environment variables as when I just opened a shell prompt. I also had a .rvm file that was loading my ruby environment and getset every time I cd'd into the main application directory. I finally had to do this:

    # set the cron log location
    set :output, {:error => '/home/jason/bestbay/log/cron_error.log', :standard => '/home/jason/bestbay/log/cron_status.log'}
    set :job_template, "bash -i -c ':job'"
    env :PATH, ENV['PATH']
    every 1.minute do
      #command "echo $PATH"                             # confirm shell variable PATH was loaded
      #command "cd #{path}"                             # this is not needed
      #command "pwd"                                    # visualize current directory
      #command "rvm current"                            # visualized default ruby version and gemset
      command "rvm use ruby-1.9.3-p194@cmucourse"       # set desired gemest
      #command "rvm current"                            # visualize proper gemset load
      runner "AuctionsHelper.checkForExpiredAuction", :environment => 'development' # run method

    I'm including the commented out commands because they really helped me visualize what was happening when cron ran.