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Create a right-click context menu in Outlook 2003

I'm already able to create a new menu in the top menubar of Outlook 2003 but would like to do the same when the user right-click on an email (but not anywhere else in the interface if possible).

Here is what I got:

Sub AddMenus()
    Dim cbMainMenuBar As CommandBar
    Dim cbcCustomMenu As CommandBarControl
    Dim cbcTest As CommandBarControl
    Dim iHelpMenu as Integer

    Set cbMainMenuBar = Application.ActiveExplorer.CommandBars.ActiveMenuBar
    iHelpMenu = cbMainMenuBar.Controls("&?").index

    Set cbcCustomMenu = cbMainMenuBar.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlPopup, before:=iHelpMenu)
    cbcCustomMenu.caption = "Menu &Name"

    Set cbcTest = cbcCustomMenu.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlPopup)
    cbcTest.caption = "&Test"

    With cbcTest.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
                .caption = "&Submenu item"
                .OnAction = "macro"
    End With
    With cbcTest.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
                .caption = "Another submenu item"
                .OnAction = "macro"
    End With
    With cbcCustomMenu.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
                .caption = "About"
                .OnAction = "macro"
    End With
End Sub

What do I have to change to make this works when right-clicking?


  • The definitive answer to the problem can be found here:

    Here is what I come with after removing some of the code/comments I didn't need:

    Option Explicit
    Private WithEvents ActiveExplorerCBars As CommandBars
    Private WithEvents ContextButton As CommandBarButton     
    Private IgnoreCommandbarsChanges As Boolean
    Private Sub Application_Startup()
        Set ActiveExplorerCBars = ActiveExplorer.CommandBars
    End Sub
    Private Sub ActiveExplorerCBars_OnUpdate()
        Dim bar As CommandBar
        If IgnoreCommandbarsChanges Then Exit Sub
        On Error Resume Next
        Set bar = ActiveExplorerCBars.Item("Context Menu")
        On Error GoTo 0
        If Not bar Is Nothing Then
            AddContextButton bar
        End If
    End Sub
    Sub AddContextButton(ContextMenu As CommandBar)
        Dim b As CommandBarButton
        Dim subMenu As CommandBarControl
        Dim cbcCustomMenu As CommandBarControl, cbcLink As CommandBarControl
        Set ContextMenu = ActiveExplorerCBars.Item("Context Menu")
        'Unprotect context menu
        ChangingBar ContextMenu, Restore:=False
        Set cbcCustomMenu = ContextMenu.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlPopup)
        cbcCustomMenu.caption = "&Menu"
        'Link in Menu
        Set cbcLink = cbcCustomMenu.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
        cbcLink.caption = "Link 1"
        cbcLink.OnAction = "macro"
        'Reprotect context menu
        ChangingBar ContextMenu, Restore:=True
    End Sub
    'Called once to prepare for changes to the command bar, then again with
    'Restore = true once changes are complete.
    Private Sub ChangingBar(bar As CommandBar, Restore As Boolean)
      Static oldProtectFromCustomize, oldIgnore As Boolean
      If Restore Then
        'Restore the Ignore Changes flag
        IgnoreCommandbarsChanges = oldIgnore
        'Restore the protect-against-customization bit
        If oldProtectFromCustomize Then bar.Protection = bar.Protection And msoBarNoCustomize
        'Store the old Ignore Changes flag
        oldIgnore = IgnoreCommandbarsChanges
        IgnoreCommandbarsChanges = True
        'Store old protect-against-customization bit setting then clear
        'CAUTION: Be careful not to alter the property if there is no need,
        'as changing the Protection will cause any visible CommandBarPopup
        'to disappear unless it is the popup we are altering.
        oldProtectFromCustomize = bar.Protection And msoBarNoCustomize
        If oldProtectFromCustomize Then bar.Protection = bar.Protection And Not msoBarNoCustomize
      End If
    End Sub