How can i describe this in a UML activity-diagram?
Latest (earliest_start_date, Earliest (latest_start_date, start_date))
that means: choose the earliest from latest_start_date and start_date and use earliest_start_date if its later then the result of the previous decision. I tried it with the diamonds but i think i need a bit more.
I hope you can help me
The most complicate part is that decision nodes pass along to the chosen edge the token (i.e. "value") that they received, then you need to make explicit that the value has changed depending on which branch was executed. If you are modelling start_date
as an object flow (where the value of start_date
flows through the diagram) and earliest_start_date
and latest_start_date
are in-scope variables or constants, you may represent the operation as:
(Note that I assumed that earliest<latest
in order to simplify the branches)
The upper "diamond" is a decision node. One of the three branches is selected, depending on the branch (i.e. condition) that is given between brackets for each edge. The lower diamond is a merge node (where the alternative execution paths meet). In the notation of the guards I assumed that the <
operator is applicable to the type of start_date.
Another approach is writing a transformation that represents the operation. In this case the input of ActionState2
will be the result of the transformation, where start_date
is the output of ActionState1
A third approach is writing the operation as a postcondition of the action where such calculation is performed (i.e. a Constraint with stereotype «postcondition»
attached to the action).
If Latest
and Earliest
are defined as functions in your model, the postcondition is:
result = Latest (earliest_start_date,
Earliest (latest_start_date, start_date))
If the type of start_date
defines min
and max
, the postcondition may be written as:
result = min(Set{latest_start_date,
(i.e. the minimum value of a set composed by a) the latest_start_date, b) the maximum value of set composed by the earliest_start_date and the start_date.
If the <
operator is defined for the type of start_date
, the postcondition is:
result = if start_date<earliest_start_date
then earliest_start_date
if start_data>latest_start_date
then latest_start_date
else start_date
You may also represent it as a ConditionalNode (a structured activity node that chooses one among some number of alternatives), but there is no standard notation defined for ConditionalNodes.