We have been asked by a client to incorporate ICD-9 codes into a system.
I'm looking for a good resource to get a complete listing of codes and descriptions that will end up in a SQL database.
Unfortunately a web service is out of the question as a fair amount of the time folks will be off line using the application.
I've found http://icd9cm.chrisendres.com/ and http://www.icd9data.com/ but neither offer downloads/exports of the data that I could find.
I also found http://www.cms.hhs.gov/MinimumDataSets20/07_RAVENSoftware.asp which has a database of the ICD-9 codes but they are not in the correct format and I'm not 100% sure how to properly convert (It shows the code 5566 which is really 556.6 but I can't find a rule as to how/when to convert the code to include a decimal)
I'm tagging this with medical and data since I'm not 100% sure where it should really be tagged...any help there would also be appreciated.
I ran into this same issue a while back and ended up building my own solution from scratch. Recently, I put up an open API for the codes for others to use: http://aqua.io/codes/icd9/documentation
You can just download all codes in JSON (http://api.aqua.io/codes/beta/icd9.json) or pull an individual code (http://api.aqua.io/codes/beta/icd9/250-1.json). Pulling a single code not only gives you the ICD-10 "crosswalk" (equivalents), but also some extra goodies, like relevant Wikipedia links.