I have got a SQL-Table were eache line consists a singel Value of some kind of Virtuel-Tabel - means the real existig SQL-Table looks like this:
|DataRecordset | DataField | DataValue |
| 1 | Firstname | John |
| 1 | Lastname | Smith |
| 1 | Birthday | 18.12.1963 |
| 2 | Firstname | Jane |
| 2 | Lastname | Smith |
| 2 | Birthday | 14.06.1975 |
and I need to get something that feels like this:
| Firstname | Lastname | Birthday |
| John | Smith | 18.12.1963 |
| Jane | Smith | 14.06.1975 |
the reason why the real existing SQL-Table is stored like the first one is, that there are a lot more information around the core-data... like who write the data... when was the data written... from which to which time was the data significant... so there are a lot of diffrent variabels which decides which line from the first table i use to generate the second one.
I created a User-Defined-Tabletype on the SQL-Server which looks like the second table.
Then i start writing a procedure...
DECLARE @secondTable secondTable_Typ
DECLARE firstTable_Cursor CURSOR FOR SELECT DataRecordset, ... WHERE...lot of Text
OPEN firstTable_Cursor
FETCH NEXT FROM firstTable_Cursor
INTO @DataRecordset, @...
IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM @secondTable WHERE DataRecordset= @DataRecordset)
the Problem i have... now i need some kind of dynamic Query, because i want do something like this:
INSERT INTO @secondTable (DataRecordset, @DataField ) VALUES (@DataRecordset, @DataValue)
but i cant use the variable @DataField like this... so i used google and found the function sp_executesql... i wrote the following code:
SET @sqlString = 'INSERT INTO @xsecondTable (DataRecordset, ' + @DataField + ') VALUES (@xDataRecordset, @xDataValue)'
EXEC sp_executesql @sqlString, N'@xsecondTable secondTable_Typ, @xDataRecordset smallint, @xDataValue sql_variant', @secondTable , @DataRecordset, @DataValue
but when i run the procedure i got an error that means i have to add a parameter "READONLY" to "@xsecondTable"...
i think the problem is, that sp_executesql can use variables as input or as outup... but i am not shure if its possiple to get this user defined table type into this procedure...
someone any idea how to get this code to run?
thank you very much
Have you considered doing a PIVOT on the data? Something along the lines of:
, [Lastname]
, [Birthday]
, [DataField]
, [DataValue]
FROM [Table]
MIN ([DataValue]) FOR [DataField] IN
, [Lastname]
, [Birthday]