When branching from the main trunk in TFS2010 all the custom groups and permissions (as granted in the main trunk), are inherited by the newly created branch. This results in a fair amount of permissions that needs to be cleaned up in the new branch after creation. (Each branch is a complete copy of the trunk)
I am making use of a script (bunch of tf commands) to set all new permissions on each new branch. As a last resort I am considering expanding this permissions script to manage the cleanup of the unwanted trunk permissions.
I am however hoping to treat the cause and not the symptom.
Is there any way to override this behavior?
I found the solution here: http://tfsbranchpermremoval.codeplex.com.
It involves writing a plugin for TFS and deploying it on the TFS app server. After deployment, no permissions from the Main trunk are inherited by any branches on branching actions.