I'm trying to make an Android app using Cocos2D-android and JBox2D. I found several tutorials and downloaded sample code and it works well and I can build on it, however nowhere can I find clear instructions for how to actually set up my own new project.
All I can see is:
What does "Import cocos2d in workspace" mean ?
When I click import in Eclipse it doesn't let me import a .jar file. I tried adding the .jar the way I know: properties->Java Build Path->Add External Jars and it won't work (I can't use the Cocos2D libraries this way) I'm not sure I understand the 2-3 either.
Can anybody here please elaborate ?
Well, with this jBox2D jar and this cocos2d-android jar things work as expected, that is simply adding the jars to the libs folder in eclipse and right click each jar -> "build path" -> "add to build path.