I have a really weird problem with my snapshot deployment: https://gist.github.com/fommil/5042065
Basically, the buildNumber
and timestamp
do not agree with the names of the snapshotVersion
s, which confuses SBT and IntelliJ to the point where I can't depend on these snapshots.
I have tried deleting and redeploying all the snapshots, but it hasn't fixed it.
I'd like somebody to help me fix this so that the fields all agree and I can use SBT as my build tool in upstream applications. I filed an issue on SBT but it has received no attention (this is arguably an SBT bug in not dealing with this): https://github.com/sbt/sbt/issues/679
The project itself is hosted at https://github.com/fommil/emokit-java and the uploaded file (which will change) is sourced at https://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/snapshots/com/github/fommil/emokit/1.0-SNAPSHOT/maven-metadata.xml
Sometimes it fixes itself - I expect there was some sonatype cronjob that tidied this all up.
(NOTE: I voted to close because I thought it seemed to fix itself, but then the problem arose again.)
Have you declared the maven-deploy-plugin specifically in your pom? Double check the version and of that plugin.