Given a set of objects (tables, views, procs, ...) I want to drop all of them and all objects that depend on them.
This requires executing the drop operations in dependency order for both the objects that I want to drop as well as all dependent objects.
How can this be done with SQL Server Management Objects (SMO) for .NET in a clean and elegant way?
(Background for question: The set of objects to drop is programatically generated and not predictable. I'm building an internal tool.).
I would look into the DependencyWalker
SMO class -
Basically you create one of these, call DiscoverDependencies()
with a list of Urns/SqlSmoObjects, and get a DependencyTree
back. You can then pass this DependencyTree object to the WalkDependencies()
method on the DependencyWalker object, and get back a linear list of dependency, with which you can do what you need.
Here is a sketch how a method to delete an arbitrary set of tables including everything that is being referenced by them could look like:
using (var conn = TestConnection.OpenSqlConnectionForTest())
var db = SmoHelpersTest.GetDatabaseSmoObject(conn);
var smoTables = (from Table t in db.Tables
where t.Name.EndsWith("-XXX")
select t).ToList();
var dependencyWalker = new DependencyWalker(db.Parent);
var dependencyTree = dependencyWalker.DiscoverDependencies(smoTables.Cast<SqlSmoObject>().ToArray(), DependencyType.Parents);
var dependencyCollection = dependencyWalker.WalkDependencies(dependencyTree);
foreach (DependencyCollectionNode dependencyCollectionNode in dependencyCollection.Reverse())
var smoObject = db.Parent.GetSmoObject(dependencyCollectionNode.Urn);