Search code examples

Remove Duplicates with Caveats

I have a table with rowID, longitude, latitude, businessName, url, caption. This might look like:

rowID | long  | lat |  businessName | url | caption

  1      20     -20     Pizza Hut  null

How do I delete all of the duplicates, but only keep the one that has a URL (first priority), or keep the one that has a caption if the other doesn't have a URL (second priority) and delete the rest?


  • Here's my looping technique. This will probably get voted down for not being mainstream - and I'm cool with that.

    DECLARE @LoopVar int
      @long int,
      @lat int,
      @businessname varchar(30),
      @winner int
    SET @LoopVar = (SELECT MIN(rowID) FROM Locations)
    WHILE @LoopVar is not null
      --initialize the variables.
        @long = null,
        @lat = null,
        @businessname = null,
        @winner = null
      -- load data from the known good row.  
        @long = long,
        @lat = lat,
        @businessname = businessname
      FROM Locations
      WHERE rowID = @LoopVar
      --find the winning row with that data
      SELECT top 1 @Winner = rowID
      FROM Locations
      WHERE @long = long
        AND @lat = lat
        AND @businessname = businessname
      ORDER BY
        CASE WHEN URL is not null THEN 1 ELSE 2 END,
        CASE WHEN Caption is not null THEN 1 ELSE 2 END,
      --delete any losers.
      DELETE FROM Locations
      WHERE @long = long
        AND @lat = lat
        AND @businessname = businessname
        AND @winner != rowID
      -- prep the next loop value.
      SET @LoopVar = (SELECT MIN(rowID) FROM Locations WHERE @LoopVar < rowID)