I have an XML file with the tag
and I am writing an XSL file, which should extract the "0" out of this tag and put it into a jQuery mobile slider like that:
<input type="range" name="slider-7" id="slider-7" value="5" min="THE ZERO I NEED" etc.../>
xsl:value-of select="" doesn't seem to do the job as it extracts the value of an attribute, not of a tag and I can't write min=xsl:value-of...
So how can I do this extraction?
You can use an AVT (attribute value template) with the XPath to the value you need.
For example, if min
is a child of the current context, you could do:
<input min="{min}"/>
If min
is the current context, just use .
<input min="{.}"/>