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displaying axis from min to max value - calculating scale and labels

Writing a routine to display data on a horizontal axis (using PHP gd2, but that's not the point here).

The axis starts at $min to $max and displays a diamond at $result, such an image will be around 300px wide and 30px high, like this:


In the example above, $min=0, $max=3, $result=0.6. Now, I need to calculate a scale and labels that make sense, in the above example e.g. dotted lines at 0 .25 .50 .75 1 1.25 ... up to 3, with number-labels at 0 1 2 3.

If $min=-200 and $max=600, dotted lines should be at -200 -150 -100 -50 0 50 100 ... up to 600, with number-labels at -200 -100 0 100 ... up to 600.

With $min=.02and $max=5.80, dotted lines at .02 .5 1 1.5 2 2.5 ... 5.5 5.8 and numbers at .02 1 2 3 4 5 5.8.

I tried explicitly telling the function where to put dotted lines and numbers by arrays, but hey, it's the computer who's supposed to work, not me, right?!

So, how to calculate???


  • An algorithm (example values $min=-186 and $max=+153 as limits):

    1. Take these two limits $min, $max and mark them if you wish

    2. Calculate the difference between $max and $min: $diff = $max - $min
      153 - (-186) = 339

    3. Calculate 10th logarithm of the difference $base10 = log($diff,10) = 2,5302

    4. Round down: $power = round($base10) = 2.
      This is your tenth power as base unit

    5. To calculate $step calculate this:
      $base_unit = 10^$power = 100;
      $step = $base_unit / 2; (if you want 2 ticks per one $base_unit).

    6. Calculate if $min is divisible by $step, if not take the nearest (round up) one
      (in the case of $step = 50 it is $loop_start = -150)

    7. for ($i=$loop_start; $i<=$max; $i++=$step){ // $i's are your ticks

    8. end

    I tested it in Excel and it gives quite nice results, you may want to increase its functionality,

    for example (in point 5) by calculating $step first from $diff,
    say $step = $diff / 4 and round $step in such way that $base_unit is divisible by $step;

    this will avoid such situations that you have between (101;201) four ticks with $step=25 and you have 39 steps $step=25 between 0 and 999.