Does the way percentage data is formatted is also part of CultureInfo
? By formatting, I mean, whether to display it as 47.3 or 0.473 etc.
My actual problem is that for DE language, I have to use 47.3% notation and for others 0.473, so I am looking that whether these things also depends upon culture just like the symbol used for decimal point.
Does the way percentage data is formatted is also part of
Yes, but not in the way you want. You can use the P
format specifier, but I don't think that would ever format it as 0.473:
The percent ("P") format specifier multiplies a number by 100 and converts it to a string that represents a percentage. The precision specifier indicates the desired number of decimal places. If the precision specifier is omitted, the default numeric precision supplied by the current PercentDecimalDigits property is used.
So the culture affects the number of decimal digits, the decimal separator and probably the handling of numeric values, but I don't believe anything affects the "value is multiplied by 100" part.