I have a lineEdit and a combobox.
I have data as below
|ID | DisplayName|
|100 | OneHundred |
|150 | OneFifty |
|25 | TwendyFive |
I added DisplayNames as items in combobox.
I want to do as below
when i enter 100 in lineedit, then "OneHundred" item to be selected in combobox when i enter 25 in lineedit, then "TwentyFive" item to be selected in combobox
it should work like this.
Can any one suggest a method to achieve this....
I found a solution what i asked for.
I used userData to achieve this. Added items to combobox as below
ID = ['100','150','25']
Name = ['OneHundred','OneFifty','TwentyFive']
for i in xrange(3):
For lineedit textchange i wrote as below
index = comobox.findData(lineedit.text())